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Why Do Rhodesian Ridgebacks Have a Ridge on Their Backs?

For those Rhodesian Ridgeback fans, who have wondered why a Ridgeback is indeed called a Ridgeback, one has to look at the cause of the ridge on their backs to get the real answers. Taking the inititative to map the hair ridge trait in Rhodesian ridgebacks, scientists identified a segment of DNA that was found in Ridgebacks and the analysis...

How To Choose The Right Puppy for the Gulf Climate

Dogs are loyal, fun and make excellent friends, so it’s no wonder that they’re rapidly becoming the pet of choice across the Middle East. Both expats and locals are keen to delve into dog rearing, but raising a dog in the Middle East presents its own unique set of challenges, from the breed of puppy you choose to the dog...

How Heat Affects Dogs: What You Need To Know To Care For Your Pet

​ Humans have a very effective defense mechanism against heat. Our body stays cool by producing sweat in order to evaporate the heat away. Unfortunately, canines do not have sweat glands and therefore cannot deal with excessive heat as adequately. While they are able to evaporate the heat through their panting and glands in their paws, they can still exhibit...

The Mighty Rottweiler

The Rottweiler breed has had its fair share of bad press and is among the few most misunderstood breeds so we'll try to clarify some facts about the breed. 

Smartest Dog Breeds – The 10 Most Intelligent Dog Breeds

On the surface, canines seem like simple-minded creatures that do nothing more than eat, sleep, scratch themselves, and lick your face. However, dogs are actually far cleverer than their owners give them credit for. Of course, every breed is genetically different, and some species are inherently smarter than others. The following are the ten most intelligent dog breeds. While the...

Ear Cropping and Tail Docking

Hundreds of years ago cropping (surgically changing the shape of the ears) was done for practical purposes. For example, to stop the ears being snagged in rough territory and being injured while hunting or working. For dogs that were bred for fighting it gave less for an opponent to grip on to rip off and sure gave a real “don’t...

The Naked Truth About Hairless Dog Breeds!

We have probably all seen the interesting dog breeds that are labeled as the hairless breeds. Some would call them disgusting; some would call them strange, but more often than not the reactions are due to a lack of knowledge. What do we really know about the naked dog breeds? For years, scientists have believed that the hairless dog breeds...

The 7 Phases of Puppy Development

Like human babies, canine pups undergo multiple stages during its first year of life. It is during this time that it is learning about its surroundings and how the world functions. As the owner, you play an enormous influence in your puppy’s development. It is through you that it will learn what behaviors are good and which ones are bad....

10 Safe Feeding Tips for New Dog Parents

Getting a puppy for the first time in your life is a feeling beyond words. You probably already imagined all the fun things and blissful moments you’re your new family member. However, many new dog owners do not realize that dogs need constant care as well. Especially when it comes to their diet. The diet requirements of dogs vary by...

4 Things That Every Dog Should Have

Owning a dog is a responsibility that many people often underestimate. They always think of the fun stuff that your pet will bring to your home, but some fail to understand that owning a pet is also a big responsibility. Every owner needs to dedicate a lot of time and attention towards the pet to raise it in the best...