Wax - Our German Shepherd Dog
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Owner’s Review
Hello Eddie,
Sorry for getting back to you so late i am traveling for the summer vacation. i do have pictures of the male GSD since he’s with me. the female is with a friend of mine i’ll ask him to send me pictures of her. My male has one droopy ear it never went up here are his pictures hope he likes them :)
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Highlights of the Breed
11-13 years
5 to 10
Extra Large
Dogs: 77-95 pounds
Bitches: 75-85 pounds
Dogs: 24-26 inches
Bitches: 22-24 inches
AKC Herding Dogs
FCI Group I.: Sheepdogs and Cattle Dogs (except Swiss Cattle Dogs)
TKC Pastoral
Alsatian, Deutscher Schaferhund,
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