Maximo - Our Miniature Schnauzer
Amman, Jordan
Owner’s Review
Dear Shane
I would like to thank you for giving Us Maxino as an amazing character , so loving , so intelligent , very playful ..Today he is 5 years old , but the sad part is years pass by so quick , wish dogs lived longer ? :( so today my ultimate wishes for my Maximo is that he will live to be 500 hundred years old so there would be many years to enjoy his love together ❤️
Thank you for all
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Highlights of the Breed
12-15 years
3 to 6
Dogs: 11-18 pounds
Bitches: 10-15 pounds
Dogs: 12-14 inches
Bitches: 11-13 inches
AKC Terriers
FCI Group II.: Pinscher and Schnauzer- Molossoid Breeds - Swiss Mountain and Cattle Dogs
TKC Utility
Zwergschnauzer, Dwarf Schnauzer
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