Maximo - Our Miniature Schnauzer

Amman, Jordan

Maximo - Our Miniature Schnauzer
Amman, Jordan
Date of Birth
Oct 17, 2014
Neda Hayfawi
Amman, Jordan

Owner’s Review

Dear Shane
I would like to thank you for giving Us Maxino as an amazing character , so loving , so intelligent , very playful ..Today he is 5 years old , but the sad part is years pass by so quick , wish dogs lived longer ? :( so today my ultimate wishes for my Maximo is that he will live to be 500 hundred years old so there would be many years to enjoy his love together ❤️
Thank you for all

If you are looking for Miniature Schnauzer for sale, you've come to the perfect place! Our team of experts is here to help you choose a puppy that suits your lifestyle and meets your expectations. Our Miniature Schnauzer puppies are carefully selected and are bred by reputable breeders, who live up to our high standards.

Highlights of the Breed

Life Expectancy
12-15 years
Learning Rate
Litter Size
3 to 6
Dogs: 11-18 pounds
Bitches: 10-15 pounds
Dogs: 12-14 inches
Bitches: 11-13 inches
Country of Origin
AKC Terriers
FCI Group II.: Pinscher and Schnauzer- Molossoid Breeds - Swiss Mountain and Cattle Dogs
TKC Utility
Other Names
Zwergschnauzer, Dwarf Schnauzer

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