Benji - Unsere Border Collie
Doha, Qatar
Bewertung des Eigentümers
Hello Shane,
At first I want to wish you a happy new year. Well benji is a happy dog very playful. We love him so much and he is in a good health. He enjoys the winter time in Qatar and in Lebanon where we spent the holidays together.
Mehr Border Collie Referenzen
Höhepunkte der Rasse
10-14 Jahre
6 to 8
Hunde: 30-45 Pfunde
Hündin: 27-42 Pfunde
Hunde: 19-22 zoll
Hündin: 18-21 zoll
England and Scotland, 19th century
AKC Herding Dogs
FCI Group I.: Sheepdogs and Cattle Dogs (except Swiss Cattle Dogs)
TKC Pastoral
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