Ubul - Unsere Berner Sennenhund
Kuwait, Kuwait
Bewertung des Eigentümers
Ubul just arrived I’ll send photos ASAP.
Thank you veryyyyyyyy much!!!!! I’m so in love!
Best Regards,
Najla Al-Essa,
Dear Eddie,
Since Ubul’s arrival on Saturday night, I haven’t really gotten the chance
to sincerely thank you for the extremely smooth, honest and very
professional relationship I had with you. When I first heard dog barks at
the Cargo Terminal at Kuwait Airport, I knew from the beginning that it was
Ubul’s! My husband ran quickly to the crate to greet the pup and he was
surprised when Ubul was pointing to the water bowl signaling that he was
thirsty – poor little pup! He’s the cutest “not so” little thing ever!!
I would also like to thank you for the unexpectedly fast process.
I have been caught in a scam almost 2 years ago and have vowed never to buy
a pup online again, but wanted to try my luck once more with Europuppy.com,
My gut feeling turned right.
Maybe Ubul and us were meant to be!
Ubul is doing extremely great with us.
He is getting along with our Golden
Retriever (pictured below) and our “very confident” Yorkie! My 2 daughters
are also very much in love with him to the extent that I am afraid my little
daughter would squash him one day (before it gets the other way around!).
Anyway, I just wanted to thank you and keep you updated with the latest news
(and photos!).
Thank you again and have a wonderful day.
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