Geddy & Honey - Unsere Jack-Russell-Terrier

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Geddy & Honey - Unsere Jack-Russell-Terrier
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
May 04, 2011
Karen Barkas & John Ord
Abu Dhabi, VAE

Bewertung des Eigentümers

Hi Eddie,

I have attached some pictures. Geddy, our rescue dog (Missy) and Honey are getting on well.

What can I say… ‘Honey Bunny’ is the sweetest little thing and you did really well finding such a cutie, also great work getting her here so quickly, for which many thanks have to be shared with Sandor and Tibor.

My Eddie… that is dedication at Christmas. I have 3 days off for Christmas and then will be returning to work in time to review some tender returns.

I hope you have an excellent Christmas Eddie.

I shall sort out a small video of the pups this weekend for you, it will probably give you better images. Russell’s have a bounce factor… I am at a loss to understand how you always manage to get such good pictures of the dogs on the website. I always get 6 pictures of tails or a nose or two before I get one picture showing the full dog!

Take care of yourself and thank you as always.

Abu Dhabi, UAE

PS Geddy Update – He can be found clearing the table after the BBQs as soon as people go inside he hops up onto the table and ensures that nothing we accidently leave goes to waste, he’s a clever little thing.
I am sure my boss at work would take him home if he could, he retires next year and is very taken by Geddy. So we’ll see if he can talk his wife into a dog and pass on your details.

Welpen kaufen nach der Rasse

Höhepunkte der Rasse

13-15 Jahre
4 to 8
Hunde: 13-18 Pfunde
Hündin: 11-15 Pfunde
Hunde: 10-14 zoll
Hündin: 8-12 zoll
Great Britain
FCI Group III.: Terriers
Andere Namen
Parson Jack Russell Terrier, Puddin Dog, Shortie

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