Er ist für Viktoriia reserviert. Danke schön! Dieses Mal haben Sie es leider verpasst!
Wenn Sie jedoch einen ähnlichen Hund wie Lincoln möchten, können wir immer noch Ihren Traumwelpen finden. Klicken Sie einfach auf die Schaltfläche unten.

Anmerkungen des Welpen

Warm, welcoming Lincoln is the most faithful and snuggly pup of this Great Dane litter.

The Great Dane is my only breed.

This is an amazing pairing of sire and dam. They are both Champion winning Great Danes. The sire is in fact a multi Champion of many countries, and a very famous Great Dane.

This pup will come with all details of vaccinations and dewormings to date, microchip, and the Euro Puppy Guarantee.
Deutsche Dogge
4 Monate
May 08, 2024

Eine Verpflichtung fürs Leben

Alle unsere Welpen haben eine lebenslange Garantie. Auch wenn ihr Hund bedauerlicherweise an einer tödlichen Krankheit oder an einer angeborenen Krankheit, die die Lebensqualität des Hundes verändert, sind Sie versichert. Wir versichern Ihr Hund auch gegen Patellenluxation und gegen ernsthafte Hüft- und Ellbogendysplasie. Und das ist für das ganze Leben Ihres Hundes. Wir hoffen, daß Sie dieser Tragödie nicht begegnen oder daß unsere Garantie in Kraft tritt, so versichern wir Ihnen, daß Sie die besten Welpen bekommen, die aus genetisch gesunden Blutlinien stammen.

Lernen Sie mehr über unsere Garantie

Mehrere Deutsche Dogge Welpen kaufen

Was andere über uns sagen...

Hi Mario, I know that it has been a long time since I last talked with you but I wanted to e-mail you and tell you that I could not be any happier with the Dane that I bought from your company. Thank you so much for all of the help in arranging and finding velvet for me. She has such a good calm nature and loves to be all over me and my family. I have included some pictures […]

Hi Steve How are you I just wanna send u some of my danes photos Many thanks for making my wishes come true Abdulrahman How are you Eddie? Here are some picture of opal and poison they are 8 and 9 months old and exactly what u described poison is reserved and opal is agile and extremely active

Hi Sandor, As you can see Darla loves pictures. She is doing very well. Darla bosses all the big guys around especially when it comes to food. They all back off and wait for her to eat a little bit out of each bowl and once she picks one, then the others start to eat. She is just to funny. Thank you again for another wonderful baby. I will keep you posted on her progress. Talk to you soon. Barb […]

Hi Monika, Here is a picture of Angelus and his buddy Illyria. The first day he arrived Illyria didn’t want anything to do with him. She would growl and bark at him constantly. Starting the very next day they were inseparable. They both sleep with us in our bed. Angelus cuddles up to my neck and Illyria cuddles up to my husband. They always play together and eat together. Angelus is such a smart boy. He got used to the […]

Andrew Nichols

Andalusia, United States

Abdulrahman Ahmad Helmy

Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Barbara Gonzalez

Philadelphia, United States

Barbara Gonzalez

Philadelphia, United States

Höhepunkte der Rasse

7-8 Jahre
5 to 12
Hunde: 120-200 Pfunde
Hündin: 100-130 Pfunde
Hunde: 30-34 zoll
Hündin: 28-32 zoll
AKC Working Dogs
FCI Group II.: Pinscher and Schnauzer- Molossoid Breeds - Swiss Mountain and Cattle Dogs
TKC Working
Andere Namen
Deutsche Dogge, German Mastiff, Grand Danois