Siberian Husky kaufen

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Wählen Sie unter 2 verfügbaren Siberian Husky

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  • $ 4 294
    Exklusives Versandangebot verfügbar. Geldrückgabegarantie
    Siberian Husky
    • Weiblich
    • 6 Monate
    • Champion Stammbaum
    • Eltern sind Champion
  • $ 4 282
    Exklusives Versandangebot verfügbar. Geldrückgabegarantie
    Siberian Husky
    • Männlich
    • 3 Jahre
    • Champion Stammbaum
    • Eltern sind Champion
  • She ist für Andrew reserviert. Danke schön!
    Siberian Husky
    • Weiblich
    • 1 Jahr
    • Champion Stammbaum
    • Eltern sind Champion
  • He ist für Elizabeth reserviert. Danke schön!
    Siberian Husky
    • Männlich
    • 2 Jahre
    • Champion Stammbaum
    • Eltern sind Champion
  • She is reserved.
    Siberian Husky
    • Weiblich
    • 2 Jahre
    • Champion Stammbaum
    • Eltern sind Champion

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Wörter unserer fröhlichen Hundebesitzern überall auf der Welt

Hi Shane! Thanks for the lovely birthday wishes! My god she’s grown up so much, Time flies eh! Sasha is doing wonderful 😬 We will celebrate her birthday today with a doggy party and lots of doggy cakes and treats. I’ve attached some photos and videos for your pleasure :) thanks again for getting in touch!

I would like to inform you that Sasha is happy and healthy with us and growing so quickly. She’s an amazing companion, so sweet and playful. She is big and strong and has a very fun personality. We all love her here including her brother ice. They play together all the time and we go on walks and adventures weekly....

Hi Eddie!!! I am so thankful for Euro Puppy. We renamed Diesel and his name is now Bison. He is an amazing young dog and really gets along well with others. This is Bison and his friend Rocco an Alaskan Husky. They are great friends Bison is really happy!!! I really hope to get Bison a friend when Euro Puppy...

Hello Shane, Yes, Zorro enjoyed his birthday with a spa session and a cake. My kids are inseparable ( Zorro and my son).

Ahmad Bernieh

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Ahmad Bernieh

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Brittany Williams

Porcia, Italy

Navneet Kumar Reddy

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Über Sibirischer Husky

The Siberian Husky is a strong, compact, working dog. This breed is a member of the Spitz family; it has the ability to haul heavy loads over long distances and rough terrain. In Siberia Chukchi people used this dog for centuries to pull sleds, herd reindeer and perform watchdogging functions. It was a perfect working dog for the harsh Siberian conditions: hardy, able to integrate into small packs, and quite happy to work for hours on end.

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