Juliette - Nuestro Bulldog Francés
Camisano Vicentino, Italy
Reseña del dueño
We are very happy with Juliette (Mocca) – she has personality plus and has so much character. She is great fun. The vet here checked her out – and said is is in good health – and a beautiful Frenchie. She is adjusting to Italy quite rapidly.
Hungary – was a new adventure for us. I was surprised that people spoke German. I know German enough so we could ask for directions once we were in Szombethely. We ate supper and had a very good meal. The town was a lot bigger than I thought – and seems to be a place that would be good to stay in and see the sights.
Thank Paul for being patient while we found him – hope you all enjoy the wine we sent. Will send pictures – so you can post them on the site and use us for reference. She is beautiful – will send you the picture when she is a Champion.
Thank You all – for you efforts to help us and get us a great addition to the family.
Cyndi and David
Más referencias de Bulldog Francés
Más referencias de Italy
Puntos destacados de la raza
10-14 años
2 to 5
England in the 1860s
AKC Non-sporting Dogs
FCI Group IX.: Companion and Toy Dogs
TKC Utility
Bouledogue Francais
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