Audi - Nuestro Doberman Pinscher
Helsinki, Finland
Reseña del dueño
Hello Eddie,
I filled the survey. i can put some photos as a attachment in this email. and i also have putt photos to the facebook site :) Audi is doing great, he loves to play with our 2 other dogs and sleeps with then all day long. our other dogs was a little frightened when audi came, but now he is one of the pact. :)
regards saija and hannu
Más referencias de Doberman Pinscher
Puntos destacados de la raza
11-14 años
3 to 8
Extra grande
Perros: 66-90 libras
Hembras: 65-80 libras
Perros: 26-28 pulgadas
Hembras: 24-26 pulgadas
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