Finley - Nuestro Vizsla
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Reseña del dueño
Finley is loving life at the moment. The weather in the UAE at this time of year is lovely so he has lots of runs in the desert alongside our quad bikes. As you can see from the videos he loves the water and has developed the “Velcro-Viszla” trait, following us everywhere. He’s never alone and has quite a group of canine play mates he meets up with most days. We get lots of admirers when he’s out and about as he’s such a handsome dog and has a fantastic temperament. It’s rare to see his tail not wag. We will be sure to make a fuss of him for his birthday.
Más referencias de United Arab Emirates
Puntos destacados de la raza
12-15 años
6 to 8
Perros: 45-60 libras
Hembras: 40-55 libras
Perros: 22-26 pulgadas
Hembras: 20-24 pulgadas
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