Darla - Nuestro Gran Danés
Philadelphia, United States
Reseña del dueño
Hi Sandor,
As you can see Darla loves pictures. She is doing very well. Darla bosses all the big guys around especially when it comes to food. They all back off and wait for her to eat a little bit out of each bowl and once she picks one, then the others start to eat. She is just to funny. Thank you again for another wonderful baby. I will keep you posted on her progress.
Talk to you soon.
Barb from Philadelphia, New York
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Puntos destacados de la raza
7-8 años
5 to 12
Perros: 120-200 libras
Hembras: 100-130 libras
Perros: 30-34 pulgadas
Hembras: 28-32 pulgadas
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