Kiska - Nuestro Husky Siberiano
Vilseck, Germany
Reseña del dueño
Hello again! Just dropping in to say that Kiska is doing very well. I took her to the vet today and she weighs almost 16 pounds. She had a deworming vaccine, 2 other vaccines, and another rabies shot because Germany doesnt recognize the rabies vaccine if it was given to them younger than 12 weeks old.
She is amazing and she is so playful and energetic! We are still potty training her though. Using the Kennel method which we had to buy her a big one because she quickly outgrew the one she came with. She seems to be catching on quickly. I have attatched a few pictures of her.
Vilseck, Germany
Más referencias de Husky Siberiano
Más referencias de Germany
Puntos destacados de la raza
12-15 años
6 to 8
Perros: 45-60 libras
Hembras: 35-50 libras
Perros: 21-23 pulgadas
Hembras: 20-22 pulgadas
AKC Working Dogs
FCI Group V.: Spitz and Primitive types
TKC Working
Arctic Husky, Chukcha, Keshia, Sibe
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