Ollie - Nuestro Bichón Habanero
Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Reseña del dueño
Hi Shane,
I hope this finds you well.
We are very happy to report – OLLIE is very healthy and happy to celebrate his first birthday in Hong Kong!!
His appetite is very good and has chicken-broccoli or beef cauliflower/carrots on alternate days.
He meets his many doggie friends ‘three’ times a day on his walks.
Ollie has a great disposition, well mannered, and loved by many.
Kind regards,
Peter and Nancy
Más referencias de Bichón Habanero
Puntos destacados de la raza
15-19 años
4 to 7
Perros: 8-13 libras
Hembras: 6-11 libras
Perros: 8-11 pulgadas
Hembras: 8-11 pulgadas
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