Matyo - Mudi perro a la venta

Está reservado para JANIS. ¡Gracias! ¡Te perdiste esta vez!
Pero si deseas un perro similar a Matyo, aún podemos encontrar el cachorro de tus sueños. Haz clic en el botón de abajo.

Nota del cachorro

Handsome Matyo is the most playful pup of this Mudi litter.

The Mudi is my only breed. 

All my Mudi are raised in my home and can enjoy my garden too in their first weeks. 

This pup will come with all details of vaccinations and dewormings to date, microchip, and the Euro Puppy Guarantee. 

3 años
Fecha de Nacimiento
Jun 08, 2021

Un compromiso de por vida

Cada uno de nuestros perros viene con nuestra Garantía de Sanidad de por vida. Si su perro llega a tener una enfermedad mortar congénita o genética o alteración en la calidad de vida estará protegido. Incluso cubrimos a su perro contra problemas como luxación de rótulas graves y displasia de cadera y codo severa. Garantizado para toda la vida de su perro! Sin embargo no nos gustaría que se tuvieran que enfrentar con la tragedia de tener que utilizar esta garantía por lo tanto nos aseguramos de ofrecer los mejores cachorros de líneas de sangre genéticamente saludables!

Leer más sobre nuestra garantía

Más cachorros de Mudi en venta

Lo que otros dicen sobre nosotros...

Hi Eddie, Mopar is doing so well, he’s beautiful, loving, playful, funny, active, well alert, all around wonderful. We’re very pleased with him. He looked very happy when he saw us. He did show a little caution when Gary opened the crate to get him out, but as soon as he was out of that crate, he was very happy. We were playing with him in the park lot, next to our car and he was jumping around wagging his […]

Hi Tibor Our puppy made it safely. He’s had a good first day although he’s tired from the travel. I’ve added a few photos. Daniel

Dear Steve, It was so exciting picking up this little guy from the airport, and Hamilton was in pretty good spirits when I let him out of the carrier. He did sleep for most of the night, and he has already started showing me his great personality. I have him scheduled to see the vet on Monday morning for his first check-up. Thank you guys for all that you do!

Here is our Bullseye now. Big, loving, loyal, silly and loved so much! Warm regards

Gary & Barbara Curtis

Newburgh, United States

Daniel Nelson

Oman, Oman

Kim Bigelow

Waldorf, United States

Joanne Dubose

Paderborn , Germany

Puntos destacados de la raza

Expectativa de Vida
13-14 años
Grado de Aprendizaje
Tamaño de la Camada
5 to 10
Perros: 20-30 libras
Hembras: 18-27 libras
Perros: 14-20 pulgadas
Hembras: 12-18 pulgadas
País de Origen
Hungary, around 1900
FCI Group I.: Sheepdogs and Cattle Dogs (except Swiss Cattle Dogs)
Otros Nombres
Canis Ovilis Fenyesi, Hungarian Mudi