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Comentarios de Clientes

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Eddie,We got the puppy, and she is just beautiful!!This is a pic of Brad and Zoe.Here are some more pics too of her in the office with staff.Thank you,Carie

Hello Eddie,Just thought we would let you know Jager is home safe and sound. Getting bigger everyday!We love him so much! Thank you!!Kari

Steve, He is home safe thank you. Thank you again he is a joy. Going to take him to our vet let him say hi. And yes bud I have one comment. Great service and great job. :-). Khaled

Hi Steve & Eddy, Merry Christmas to you & to the Euro Puppy team ! Thank you guys for your good service, and a big thank you to Terry who did his job professionally ;) Inch or PACO as I have named him, has safely arrived to Dubai. He is the most adorable & cutest pup I've ever laid eyes...

Brad H. Ferguson

Waynesville, United States

Kari Dichoso

Queidersbach, Germany

Khaled Thamer Althamer

Kuwait City, Kuwait

Bassima Abou Chedid

Dubai, United Arab Emirates