Confiable por más de 15 000 familias desde 2001
¡Con Su Criador, Esperando Por Ti!
Lamentablemente, no tenemos ningún cachorro disponible para la venta en este momento. Por favor, verifique de nuevo pronto para nuevos y hermosos cachorros. Pero aún podemos ayudarle a encontrar el perro de sus sueños. Por favor, complete el formulario a continuación y será el primero en saber tan pronto como haya nuevas camadas de disponibles.
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Dear Eddie,
I can’t begin to tell you how HAPPY I am with this adorable sweetheart. She is doing so well, growing, playing and learning everything I ask of her. She is quite an intellegent little pup. We all love her so much, and Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your help. It was easy to purchase her even though she lived pretty far away from here. I am so pleased with the whole transaction from beginning to end. I wish you well and hope to hear from you soon. Here are some pics of my cute little baby…
Best Regards Debbie,
Ramstein, Germany
Debbie Cox
The puppy is doing good. We love him very much. He chews on everything.
Joseph Mullen
Dear Sandor,
Here is a little update on Oreo. He is doing very well and is very use to his new home. We have let him smell almost everything. We don’t let him get on the furniture or on the tables because we believe dogs are suppose to only be on there furniture. We bought him a bigger crate becacuse the one he came in smelled since he had accidents in them and the crate was full of oil in the outside so we decided to get a bigger and newer one. He loves his new family. He already went to the vet and they said he was very healthy. They gave him a shot. Oreo hasn’t cried but he barks when we put him in the cage because since he plays with his toys he wants to get the treat thats in one of the toys so he gets mad and he starts barking. We are so happy with are new dog he is very very intelligent and we couldn’t have gotten him if it wasn’t for all the help and patience you put into this. We gladly appreciate everything and we will send you pictures of him and his new home when we get a chance…
Stephanie, Oreo, and Roland
Stephanie Maynard
Sorry it’s taken me so long to write and tell you how Nacho is doing. He’s doing fantastic!!! Sadly I’m deployed again, but my parents are taking great care of him.
I attached a few pictures of him at his birthday party my parents threw for him and my parent’s dog, Einstein. I’ve also attached another picture of him at my parent’s house. Hope you’re doing well.
Take care,
BrooklynEstados Unidos NY