Referencias de Euro Puppy

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Dear Eddie and Tibor, Adorable Wikki Tkki now Kiwi, arrived safely here in Dubai. She’s doing very well and enjoys the company of LV ( our 1yr. old Westie ).Thank you so much for making the travel well organized.. Kind Regards, Allan & Lenie Dubai, UAE

Dear All, I just thought I would send you a picture of Ralphie that I bought from you back in July 2008. He is the most lovely dog, gentle in nature, loves EVERYONE, and is an absolute gem to have around. Thank you so much, I feel blessed that I received a dog with the most loving personality. When I picked him up from Bahrain airport I let him out of his cage straight away and he was jumping up […]


Houston, United States

Hi Eddie and Sandor: Thank you for your kind remarks regarding the new blog photos of Zoe. My daughter put the photos up after seeing your new Norwich terriers for sale. We didn’t realize Zoe changed so much in appearance from when we first got her. She came to us as an adorable black and tan-faced pup and grew into a beautiful blonde-faced Norwich terrier just like her show winning parents. We LOVE Zoe and can’t thank you enough for […]

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