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    Ducheess (now Ruperta)

    Ducheess (now Ruperta) - Pomerano, EuroPuppy review from Panamá
    Ducheess (now Ruperta) - Pomerano, EuroPuppy review from Panamá

    Eddie, Just wanted to share with you some pictures of Ducheess (now Ruperta) I don’t know if you remember but you sent her to Panamá last year, she has been…

    Eddie, Just wanted to share with you some pictures of Ducheess (now Ruperta) I don’t know if you remember but you sent her to Panamá last year, she has been the best dog ever, my best fríend with the best personality, loves the beach and has a lot of labrador and pug friends. I am sending you these pictures and on behalf of my husband and I thank you and your team because you have helped us to find a true friend and you were wonderful. Thank you!!! Happy Holidays!!!