Bulldog Francés en Venta

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Choose from 17 available Bulldog Francés puppies Elige entre 21 cachorros disponibles

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Elige entre 17 Bulldog Francés disponibles Elige entre 21 cachorros disponibles


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    Lamentablemente, no tenemos ningún Bulldog Francés cachorro disponible para la venta en este momento. Por favor, verifique de nuevo pronto para nuevos y hermosos Bulldog Francés cachorros. Pero aún podemos ayudarle a encontrar el perro de sus sueños. Por favor, complete el formulario a continuación y será el primero en saber tan pronto como haya nuevas camadas de Bulldog Francés disponibles.

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      French Bulldog has one of the most playful, loving and happy characters you’ll ever see, and the funniest, silliest and squishiest faces ever! These are the kinds of pups who simply can’t spend enough time snuggled-up on pillows, cuddling their owner’s laps and generally relaxing in blissful comfort. Not that the French Bulldog is an inactive breed; in fact it is famous for their 5 minutes a day ‘zoomies’, where they will have a sudden burst of energy, and zoom around your house or garden.

      A home with lots of people, and where the Frenchie won’t be left alone too much is ideal. This is very much a people loving breed, that are happiest when with you, and want to be snuggled up right by your side. The French Bulldog is in fact famous for loving everybody! They want to say hello to everyone they meet, and like to have lots of attention, so prepare to have lots of visitors to your home falling in love with your French Bulldog.

      One fact they are not too famous for though is their bravery! Once your Frenchie settles into your home, they will become your loyal protector. Their small size doesn’t bother them, they will explore, they will jump into every situation, and defend you from the hoover!

      As always, it’s important to only consider Frenchie puppies for sale from reputable breeders, that you can trust have raised them well. This is a breed that needs to be carefully bred, and cared for, to ensure they are healthy and get the best start. Please don’t take chances on a random breeder with a decision so important. Find your ideal French Bulldog from Euro Puppy, we have been working with the best French Bulldog breeders for many years so you can enjoy total peace of mind that you will get the perfect puppy.

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        Acerca de Bulldog Francés Raza

        The French Bulldog is a sturdy little Bulldog with large, erect, rounded, bat ears, a flat, powerful muzzle and a pug nose. The skin is soft and fairly loose, making the dog very pleasant to pet. The square flat head is not as massive as the English Bulldog’s, the forehead is rounded. It has the appearance of an active, intelligent, muscular dog of heavy bone, smooth coat, compactly built and of medium or small structure.