Vertraut von über 15.000 Familien seit 2001
Mit ihrem Züchter, warten auf dich!
Leider haben wir im Moment keine Berner Sennenhund Welpen zum Verkauf verfügbar. Bitte schauen Sie bald wieder vorbei für neue, schöne Berner Sennenhund Welpen. Aber wir können Ihnen trotzdem helfen, Ihren Traumhund zu finden. Bitte füllen Sie das untenstehende Formular aus, und Sie werden als Erster erfahren, sobald neue Berner Sennenhund Würfe verfügbar sind.
I would like to extend my very heartfelt thanks for all the efforts you and your team went through when I was unsure of panda’s identity. It is not often you deal with people who do the right thing and you all went to great extent to make sure everything was as it should be. Your response itself and the speed at which you resolved the issue was greatly appreciated!!
I would recommend EuroPuppy to anyone. You are friendly, reliable and helpful in all respects. Please pass on my regards to the rest of the team.
Gratefully Yours,
Kim May
Kimberly S. May
StraffordUSA NH
Dear Zoltan,
We hope you enjoy our special story about two Euro-Puppy bernese mountain dogs:
That’s right! When you view the photos, you are NOT seeing double… Stanley’s REAL brother has joined our family. Now there are over 200 pounds of canine fur living at our house… YIKES! If you think you are surprised, our heads our still spinning! Through an amazing twist of fate, we discovered that one of Stanley’s littermates was in need of a new home. The story is incredible… It involves two countries, three states, three families, and two brain tumors (yes, you read that right). The odds of all of the things that transpired over the course of a mere 4 day period are astounding. We would have had better odds of hitting a major Powerball jackpot than discovering this one dog.
Parker is just as handsome and loving as his brother, Stanley. Parker and Stanley were both born in Budapest, Hungary on October 1, 2002 (also, Tim’s birthday!). They were both exported to the U.S. the week before Thanksgiving on separate flights to their new homes: Stan to ours, and Parker to New Jersey. Parker went to a married professional couple with no children. He was left all alone 12 to 14 hours a day, while his owners were at work in New York each day. The owners decided to place him up for adoption using a private advertisement.
Tim & Jennifer Torigian
BostonUSA MA
Ed, Ubul just arrived I’ll send photos ASAP. Thank you veryyyyyyyy much!!! I’m so in love!
Best Regards,
Najla Al-Essa, Kuwait
Dear Eddie, Since Ubul’s arrival on Saturday night, I haven’t really gotten the chance to sincerely thank you for the extremely smooth, honest and very professional relationship I had with you. When I first heard dog barks at the Cargo Terminal at Kuwait Airport, I knew from the beginning that it was Ubul’s! My husband ran quickly to the crate to greet the pup and he was surprised when Ubul was pointing to the water bowl signaling that he was thirsty – poor little pup! He’s the cutest “not so” little thing ever!!
I would also like to thank you for the unexpectedly fast process. I have been caught in a scam almost 2 years ago and have vowed never to buy a pup online again, but wanted to try my luck once more with, My gut feeling turned right. Maybe Ubul and us were meant to be! Ubul is doing extremely great with us.
He is getting along with our Golden Retriever (pictured below) and our “very confident” Yorkie! My 2 daughters are also very much in love with him to the extent that I am afraid my little daughter would squash him one day (before it gets the other way around!). Anyway, I just wanted to thank you and keep you updated with the latest news (and photos!). Thank you again and have a wonderful day.
Najla, Kuwait
Najla Sabeeh Aleisa
Hello Eddie,
the dogs are fine. They are getting bigger every day! They love playing in the snow and they follow us everywere 🙂
I have send some pictures but i will make some more soon.
Kind regards
Heike Nixdorf & Mario Karner (Jenny)
Der Berner Sennenhund ist ein markantes, dreifarbige, robust, großer Hund. Hallo ist ein Freund fürs Leben.