Vertraut von über 15.000 Familien seit 2001
Mit ihrem Züchter, warten auf dich!
Leider haben wir im Moment keine Border Terrier Welpen zum Verkauf verfügbar. Bitte schauen Sie bald wieder vorbei für neue, schöne Border Terrier Welpen. Aber wir können Ihnen trotzdem helfen, Ihren Traumhund zu finden. Bitte füllen Sie das untenstehende Formular aus, und Sie werden als Erster erfahren, sobald neue Border Terrier Würfe verfügbar sind.
Hello Sandor,
I thought you would like to see that Avalon is adjusting just fine.
I have a small favor to ask, I know I ask you to keep an eye out for a little girl friend for him, but my husband had not made up his mind if he wanted another one. Well he has made up his mind and if you can find two females that are not related to Avalon, we would be very interested in them. The bloodline is important but they don’t have to be champion sired. The color is not real important, but we like the grizzle.
We are very satisfied with Avalon and he is the sweetest little thing. You were so helpful and I would like to say thank you again.
I will be waiting to hear from you soon.
Thanks so much
Tammy L
Tammy L. Quick
ShepherdsvilleUSA KY
Dory Bitar
Hi Sandor,
We’ve just spent the afternoon walking around the yard with ‘Wiley’ and he’s pretty tired right now. He’s a wonderful pup and it was certainly a pleasure dealing with you to get him.
Please feel free to use me as a reference if required, I’ve nothing but good feelings about the whole experience. I’ve included a some pictures of the pup playing in the yard.
Again, Thank you!
Hi Sandor,
The veterinary checkup went very well. The vet was impressed with the puppy’s physical condition and commented several times on how well adjusted he seemed to be. Of course, we expected nothing less!
Again, Thanks for all your assistance.
All the best,
Brian MacDonald
OlympiaUSA WA
Carmen Trueba
Mexico CityMexico
Der Border Terrier ist ein gutmütiger, liebevoller, gehorsamen Hund zu züchten. Es ist eine kleine, mutige Terrier mit einem groben, drahtig doppeltes Haarkleid, dunkle lebhafte Augen, eine kurze Schnauze, schwarze Nase und kleinen Ohren, die nach vorne falten sich in ein “V”. Der Border Terrier ist ein muskulöser, gut ausgewogen, aufmerksam, aktiv und beweglicher Gebrauchshund.