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Leider haben wir im Moment keine Welsh Corgi Welpen zum Verkauf verfügbar. Bitte schauen Sie bald wieder vorbei für neue, schöne Welsh Corgi Welpen. Aber wir können Ihnen trotzdem helfen, Ihren Traumhund zu finden. Bitte füllen Sie das untenstehende Formular aus, und Sie werden als Erster erfahren, sobald neue Welsh Corgi Würfe verfügbar sind.
There are two breeds of Welsh corgis, the Cardigan and the Pembroke, each named for the county in Wales where it originated. The differences between the two breeds include bone structure, body length, and size. Cardigans are the larger of the two breeds, with large rounded ears and a 12-inch-long foxy, flowing tail set in line with the body. Though the Cardigan is allowed more colours than the Pembroke, white should not predominate in its coat. The breed stands about 12 inches (30 cm) at the shoulder, and weighs about 30 pounds (14 kg). The Cardigan is sturdy, mobile, alert, active, intelligent, steady, and neither shy nor aggressive.