Golden Retriever kaufen

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Wörter unserer fröhlichen Hundebesitzern überall auf der Welt

Hello Sandor, Just wanted to drop you a line and let you know how much I appreciate you sending us this wonderful Golden Retriever. "Montgomery" is his call name. He has adjusted to life here in the states wonderfully. He has caught the eye of many folks in our area, all saying what a beautiful pup he is. Thought I'd...

Hello Sandor, Just wanted to drop you a line and let you know how much I appreciate you sending us this wonderful Golden Retriever. "Montgomery" is his call name. He has adjusted to life here in the states wonderfully. He has caught the eye of many folks in our area, all saying what a beautiful pup he is. Thought I'd...

Dear All, Molly (now Doris) arrived safe and sound around 2am this morning, if a bit shaken from her trip - she is beautiful and really curious! Had to stay with her all night to keep her calm so work will be a struggle today! However, Cathy tells me Doris fell asleep the minute I walked out the door this...

Hi Steve Uncle, I am Supratim,s son. Dear Steve Poppins is doing great he has settled in very well he is being very naughty and chewing eevrywhere he listens to all of us and sleeps the whole day. Here are some pictures

Jan Renee Grasso

Washington D.C., United States

Jan Renee Grasso

Washington D.C., United States

Enda Murphy

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Supratim Chatterjee

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Über Golden Retriever

The Golden Retriever is a beautiful, powerful, sturdy, well-balanced, well-proportioned dog with a feathered, medium-length, cream to golden-colored coat. It is loyal, sweet, and eager to please. This dog is gentle with children; it enjoys the endless attention children provide.

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