Bichón Habanero en Venta






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Elige entre 12 Bichón Habanero disponibles Elige entre 14 cachorros disponibles


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      Check out our happy and healthy Havanese puppies for sale, from the finest breeders, and you can’t help but fall in love.

      There are so many reasons why the Havanese is considered one of the best of the small breeds and is such a popular choice. The most obvious reason is this breed is one of the most loving ever, in very fact it was bred to be a companion dog for the Cuban aristocracy in the 1800’s, and since those days it has become known as a classic companion.

      If you want a dog that will be by your side, give so much affectionate and love to you, and simply adore you, then a Havanese is perfect, they are the very definition of a ‘velcro dog’.

      But don’t be fooled by their cuddliness and cuteness, the Havanese has spirit too, they are a lively breed, though with just moderate exercise needs, and love to play, and have fun in the home. These traits make them an excellent breed for older people, as they don’t need too much walking, but not too little either; and also wonderful as a family dog as they love people and children.

      A home with lots of people, and where the Havanese won’t be left alone too much is ideal. This is very much a people loving breed, that are happiest when with you, and want to be snuggled up right by your side. They really don’t like to be left alone for too long, it’s boring!

      The Havanese is in fact famous for loving everybody! They want to say hello to everyone they meet, and like to have lots of attention, so prepare to have lots of visitors to your home falling in love with your Havanese.

      The Havanese comes in a multitude of colours too, with lots of variety, making it an even more beautiful breed. And with beauty, comes brains too. The Havanese is a surprisingly smart breed, very trainable, and you could have your Havanese learn all sorts of impressive tricks.

      Find your perfect Havanese puppy for sale and you’ll be welcoming an incredibly loving, devoted, happy and playful little companion into your home. These are the kinds of dogs who love to play with anything, to explore everything around them, and to be at the very centre of ever home activity too. Never ever expect to be bored again with a Havanese. In fact your home will be filled with happiness.

      As always, it’s important to only consider Havanese puppies for sale from reputable breeders, that you can trust have raised them well. Please don’t take chances on a random breeder with a decision so important. Find your ideal Havanese from Euro Puppy, we have been working with the best Havanese breeders for many years so you can enjoy total peace of mind that you will get the perfect puppy.

      If you want a dog that’s small in size yet has lots of bounce, adorableness and love, and you simply can’t get enough of their colourful, cuddly nature, then the Havanese is the breed for you.

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        Acerca de Bichón Habanero Raza

        The Havanese gives a rugged impression of a little dog, it is sturdy, and while a small breed, it is neither fragile nor overdone. This breed is related to the Bichon Frise. It is a happy, outgoing small dog; its temperament and trainability have made it an excellent candidate for obedience training.