Vertraut von über 15.000 Familien seit 2001
Mit ihrem Züchter, warten auf dich!
Leider haben wir im Moment keine Havaneser Welpen zum Verkauf verfügbar. Bitte schauen Sie bald wieder vorbei für neue, schöne Havaneser Welpen. Aber wir können Ihnen trotzdem helfen, Ihren Traumhund zu finden. Bitte füllen Sie das untenstehende Formular aus, und Sie werden als Erster erfahren, sobald neue Havaneser Würfe verfügbar sind.
Just a quick hello and to let you know that I received the Certificate of Origin papers last week. Zeus is a very wonderful little fellow who has been very easy to train. He loves to go for long walks but does not like the snow but gives me a hard time when I try to put little boots on them. Our little Zeus loves to place with our old boy, Herc. The 2 of them chase each other through the house and if you wach them, it appears that they are hurting each other but that is there way of playing. I will try to get a video of their games and send it to you.
Again we thank you for our amazing little man. He is a amazing little fellow.
Bonnie, Canada
Bonnie Paquette
Greetings from India. Its been just over 45 days since I received the Havanese puppy and I wanted to drop you a quick note to let you know that the puppy is doing really well(attached are his recent pictures). We are very happy with him and hence, have named him “Happy”. Thank you for all the support provided during the process.
Hi Eddie,
Just wanted to let you know that I showed my Havanese dog this past weekend at dog shows in Bangalore, India. It has won 3 champion certificates (along with Best of Breed) in a row and is now officially a Champion. I will be showing the dog again this coming weekend in Hyderabad city.
Cheers. Sarvotham
Sarvotham Ramreddy
Dear Eddie,
Attached are photos of Frodo and Sandy. They are beautiful, calm and well adjusted. Frodo has been the easiest dog I have ever house trained and I thought Sandy was easy. Please let the 2 Havanese breeders that produced our puppies know how impressed we are with them. And of course, a big thank you to you all at Europuppy for bringing us together and making the transition between countries so effortless.
I have attached a photo of my 2 EuroPuppy, Havanese dogs. Sandy (Keriana) has proven to be an intelligent dog that needs mental stimulation, in addition to lots of exercise. Frodo (Junior) was purchased from you 3 months ago and he is a high energy, cuddly little guy who serves as a never-ending source of amusement to Sandy. I also own a 10 1/2 year old Lhasa Apso / Jack Russell cross who watches with wonder at the stamina of the younger dogs, and growls if their antics spill over into his personal space, yet this does nothing to deter the Havanese from having their fun!
Since I bought my Havanese from you I have created interest in the Havanese breed at my place of employment, and as you know two of my colleagues have purchased Havanese dogs from you. I have my dogs’ photos on my bulletin board so many people inquire about them. I have even had a few offers from people wanting to buy my dogs, but I direct them to your web-site instead! In the next 5 years we will be looking at getting a larger dog, one with a presence, as we have a large property back in Canada. To me this means a Black Russian Terrier, to my husband this means a Bernese Mountain dog; either way we will be in touch!
With thanks,
Dana Qatar
Dana Lutton
Hola Lorena que tal ,todos los dias quiero enviarte fotos para que las pongas en la pagina y veas lo bonito que esta Max, que antes era Theo , pero mi hija le cambio el nombre, es buenisimo y muy carinoso, gracias por todo, a todo el mundo se lo comento y me encantaria que alguien de Valencia se comprara una perrita para poder cruzarlos .
a ver si lo conseguimos.
otra vez.
Valencia, Spain
Begona Marin Llopis
The Havanese gives a rugged impression of a little dog, it is sturdy, and while a small breed, it is neither fragile nor overdone. This breed is related to the Bichon Frise. It is a happy, outgoing small dog; its temperament and trainability have made it an excellent candidate for obedience training.