Vertraut von über 15.000 Familien seit 2001
Mit ihrem Züchter, warten auf dich!
Leider haben wir im Moment keine Yorkshire Terrier Welpen zum Verkauf verfügbar. Bitte schauen Sie bald wieder vorbei für neue, schöne Yorkshire Terrier Welpen. Aber wir können Ihnen trotzdem helfen, Ihren Traumhund zu finden. Bitte füllen Sie das untenstehende Formular aus, und Sie werden als Erster erfahren, sobald neue Yorkshire Terrier Würfe verfügbar sind.
Alla Kupchynska
Rosana Oliveira Becker
Hi Eddie,
I just wanted to let you know that Mini has finally arrived to Doha Qatar
and he is doing great! Tomorrow he has an appointment at the vet,we couldn’t
take him today because its weekend here so vet is not opened today.
I will send you updated pics for you guys and the breeder plus a vet update
tomorrow. I also want to send a full detailed email as a reference. You have
been absolutely wonderful and have sent me the most beautiful puppy,he is
truly just amazing and loving! I could not have asked for more and its
thanks to Europuppy and the breeders,thanking you is not enough.
Find attached a small picture of Mini when he first arrived last night to
his new home.
Thank you so much Eddie, you have been a true professional and pleasure to
correspond with.
I will email you tomorrow with full update.
Kindest Regards
Hi Eddie,
Mini is wonderful! Such a small, energetic, playful and naughty puppy! My
husband and I took him yesterday to the vet. The doctor informed us that
Mini is doing absolutely great and he is looking good, he’s a bit on the
slim side but she assured us that it was fine as long as he’s eating right
and is getting plenty of sleep, which is the case with us so far, he is a
small dog after all. I showed her all the vaccination information that had
been sent to us from Europuppy and was pleased with the update but
recommended that we start his vaccinations over again just to make sure
everything is in order. So now he has had the first two vaccinations done
and we will be going back to the vet in the next 3-4 weeks to have the next
set of shots. Overall the trip to the vet was GREAT. Mini was such a good
boy, he was happy to be looked at by the vet but was a bit upset when he got
the shots. He’s in great shape and the vet said that he looks like he’s
going to be a great and healthy dog when he gets older.
Eddie, I can not thank you and the rest of the Europuppy enough, please use
my email as a reference to let everyone know how tremendous Europuppy have
been with me. Mini has been such an amazing addition to our home. He’s such
a good boy even though his potty training is a bit tough, but he’s a baby
and i have all the time in the world to make sure he’s going to be
well-trained. The fact that Mini arrived in such good and healthy spirits
after such a long journey to us was unexpected and its thanks to you and
Europuppy that he arrived safe and sound 🙂 Please also thank the breeders
for giving me a puppy as lovely as Mini, thanks to them he has such a loving
and bubbly personality without any major temperament issues. I can not ask
for more!
It has been an absolute pleasure corresponding with you. You and Europuppy
have been absolute professionals and never kept me impatiently waiting when
I had any enquiries to make (i know i was a nutcase at times,hehehehe).
Thank you so much Eddie! Thank you for everything! You have been wonderful
to correspond with and i will be sure to keep you updated on Mini. Please
let the breeders know that Mini is doing good, is healthy and happy 🙂 For
now, I have sent you two small pics of Mini.
Its been a pleasure and thank you again 🙂
Kindest Regards
Hi Eddie!
Just wanted to let you know that Mini is doing great!!! He had a little accident 2 nights ago, he jumped off a high surface before we can catch him, but suprisingly he was fine, we took him to the vet in case but the doctor assured us that he is fine,he sprained his right front leg but nothing serious and he will heel by himself. Now he’s back to normal,running around and being naughty as always 🙂 he’s such a loving puppy, everyone in the vet loves him,someone actually asked me if they can have him (of course I said NO,hehehe) he licks everyone he sees,he’s always wagging his tail and is such a happy puppy! We took him out for a small walk the other day, he hated the leash at first but I trained him to accept being on a leash, I let him sniff it and show him that he doesn’t have to be scared of it, I let him walk around with the leash hanging from him without me holding on, and now he loves it and loves going for walks. He’s learnt to sit,come, give me five (put his paw on my hand), leave things when I tell him… he’s such a quick learner! He’s put on some weight as well, 1.4 grams to be exact,which isn’t much but its good for him! We also took him to get groomed and now his hair on his face is shorter and we can see his eyes,hehehe. Eddie, he’s just perfect! And here are some pictures of him for u and the breeder.
Kindest Regards Amal
Amal Abu Nahl & Abdullah Abu Sitta
Demy Alera Solitario
The Yorkshire Terrier is a long-haired toy terrier whose blue and tan coat is parted on the face and from the base of the skull to the end of the tail and hangs evenly and quite straight down each side of the body.
The hair on the head is so abundant that it is almost always necessary to gather it in a band to keep from going into the dog’s food bowl and to give the animal maximum visibility. Some owners choose to trim the hair on top of the head. This puppy is one of the world’s smallest dogs.