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Unfortunately we don’t have any Yorkshire Terrier puppies available for sale right now. Please check again soon for new, beautiful Yorkshire Terrier pups. But we can still help you to find your dream dog. Please complete the form below and you will be the first to know as soon as there are new Yorkshire Terrier litters available.
Rosana Oliveira Becker
Celine Horan
Hi Eddie,
My husband and I adopted a Yorkshire Terrier from Euro puppy almost a year ago.
He is now over one year old and healthy, happy, and handsome! Leopold is my new best friend and he has not caused any problems whatsoever since we adopted him.
Leopold’s personality is absolutely wonderful: he loves all dogs and all people, especially kids. Leopold is worth so much more than what we paid for him and my husband and I wanted to thank the breeder for doing such a great job.
If my experience with Euro puppy is the standard, then I would highly recommend any other person to Euro puppy as well.
Kathleen & Michael
Kathleen J. & Michael P. Dillard
Dana Lutton
The Yorkshire Terrier is a long-haired toy terrier whose blue and tan coat is parted on the face and from the base of the skull to the end of the tail and hangs evenly and quite straight down each side of the body.
The hair on the head is so abundant that it is almost always necessary to gather it in a band to keep from going into the dog’s food bowl and to give the animal maximum visibility. Some owners choose to trim the hair on top of the head. This puppy is one of the world’s smallest dogs.