Yorkshire Terrier for Sale






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Choose from 3 available Yorkshire Terrier Choose from 4 puppies available puppies


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      Highlights of the Breed

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      Check out our happy and healthy Yorkshire Terrier puppies for sale, from the finest breeders, and you can’t help but fall in love.

      There are so many reasons why the Yorkshire Terrier is considered one of the best of the small breeds and is such a popular choice.

      The one thing everyone notices first with the Yorkie is their lovely coat. Whether long or short, they are famous for the silky smooth, and bright hair, that needs care to look after. So be prepared for their grooming needs.

      And if you want a dog that will be by your side, give so much affectionate and love to you, but also has a spirited, fun and independent streak, then a Yorkshire Terrier is perfect.

      But don’t be fooled by their cuddliness and cuteness, the Yorkshire Terrier has spirit too, they are a lively breed, with good exercise needs, and love to play, and have fun in the home. They love family life, where there is lots of action, and on their walks they will be happiest somewhere where they can be off the lead and get to explore.

      The Yorkshire Terrier isn’t bothered by their size, they are really action packed, not shy at all, and will try anything, and go anywhere. They don’t need to be coddled or carried around, in fact that can make them too soft and sensitive; this is breed with the heart of a lion, and ready to race.

      Once again the Yorkshire Terrier belies it size, in that is a superb little guarder! They become fiercely loyal to their owners, and in the home and garden they will be on the watch for any intruders.

      The Yorkshire Terrier is a very smart breed, very trainable, in fact they were originally bred to be expert rodent chasers! If a little stubborn due to their independent nature, you can still train your Yorkie to follow your lead as they want to be by your side.

      Find your perfect Yorkshire Terrier puppy for sale and you’ll be welcoming an incredibly loving, devoted, happy and playful little companion into your home. These are the kinds of dogs who love to play with anyone, to explore everything around them, and to be at the very centre of ever home activity too. Never ever expect to be bored again with a Yorkshire Terrier. In fact your home will be filled with happiness.

      As always, it’s important to only consider Yorkshire Terrier puppies for sale from reputable breeders, that you can trust have raised them well. Please don’t take chances on a random breeder with a decision so important. Find your ideal Yorkshire Terrier from Euro Puppy, we have been working with the best Yorkshire Terrier breeders for many years so you can enjoy total peace of mind that you will get the perfect puppy.

      If you want a dog that’s small in size yet has lots of bounce, cheekiness and spirit and you simply can’t get enough of their beautiful, luscious coat, then the Yorkshire Terrier is the breed for you.

      Can’t find the dog you really want?

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      For Personal Assistance from our Breed Expert, just leave us your email address and name.


        Customer Reviews

        Words from our happy Yorkshire Terrier Owners all over the World

        About Yorkshire Terrier Breed

        The Yorkshire Terrier is a long-haired toy terrier whose blue and tan coat is parted on the face and from the base of the skull to the end of the tail and hangs evenly and quite straight down each side of the body.

        The hair on the head is so abundant that it is almost always necessary to gather it in a band to keep from going into the dog’s food bowl and to give the animal maximum visibility. Some owners choose to trim the hair on top of the head. This puppy is one of the world’s smallest dogs.