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EuroPuppy eBooks
At EuroPuppy, we speak to hundreds of families every year, who are looking to buy a puppy and are desperate for advice. Advising our customers is naturally part of the service we provide, however, the need for information among the members of the general public seems to be greater than what our capacity allows us to satisfy. Therefore we have collected the most common issues and published several ebooks to help people find the answers they need.

A brief guide pointing out all the most important factors you need to think about before buying a puppy. It’s FREE to download.

A 48 page ebook full of valuable insights helping to decide whether your children are ready for a dog and what to do if they are. Buy it for $9.97 immediately. Or get the contents for FREE in the form of an email series.

This ebook will teach you how to examine your dog, just like your veterinarian does. You will learn what is normal, and what is abnormal in dogs. Why spend money on vet bills if you know your dog is all right? Find out more.