EuroPuppy Reviews

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    Dora (aka Celine)

    Dora (aka Celine) - Bull Terrier, EuroPuppy review from Finland
    Dora (aka Celine) - Bull Terrier, EuroPuppy review from Finland
    Dora (aka Celine) - Bull Terrier, EuroPuppy review from Finland

    Hello Steve after a long time.. I’m sorry that it take for so long that I contacted. pup is really well and in good condition .. she’s really energetic, initially…

    Hello Steve after a long time.. I’m sorry that it take for so long that I contacted. pup is really well and in good condition .. she’s really energetic, initially felt that way too energetic for our pack but she has already calmed down so much,shes energy was like combination &;two of my last dog when they was puppies, all my dogs was little puzzled about her because of that.I have now show her place in our pack at the bottom so she don’t act like rascal any more. Before she tried all the time brake my shoes,&ripped bed sheets at beds, she brake my phone charger and & when I left her alone for 5 minutes, she break up the bedroom sofa,good thing it was old sofa and charger was not connected electric current. Nowadays she is like best friends with our Great PYRenees COCO she play all the time with him,NEO Nella accept her but she is too lazy play with her, Lancashire Heeler PÖssi plays with her just when he is alone with her and accept her very well,Schipperke Luca accept her just when she is calm but if she start rage he told her about it(snap a bit) he is oldest one so i thinkhe has the right to do it.. I see her doing something that is forbidden now I need to just look at her and raise my forefinger up and she will stop immediately what he was doing, training he should still learn to know all by herself what the goods are okay to chew and what is not. But after all everything is good and i never would chance her anything in this world,actually it is good that she bring some steam in our calm pack. We are now looking bigger house with much bigger plot in northern Finland, something more than 250 square metre house with 5 hectare plot and if i find something we will move there permanently and dogs have even more area to move around. Thanks again Marno Hytönen

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    Anton - Canary Dog, EuroPuppy review from Finland
    Anton - Canary Dog, EuroPuppy review from Finland

    Hello Eddie, I’m writing to let you know Anton is doing FANTASTIC!! I have had him for a week now and i’m truly amazed how intelligent/obedient he is. He already…

    Hello Eddie,

    I’m writing to let you know Anton is doing FANTASTIC!! I have had him for a week now and i’m truly amazed how intelligent/obedient he is. He already knows “come”, “sit”, “down”, “heel” and “shake”. He enjoys training a lot but it is also very challenging since Anton is very stubborn, you can’t make him do something if he doesn’t want to do it or if he gets nothing from it. I know how to motivate him and that’s why everything works so well between us.

    Anton is growing and eating well. I feed him Eukanuba Puppy & Junior Large Breed -food now, as you recommend, but soon i’ll start to BARF with him.

    I’m planning on weight pulling him when he’s older. I would also love to compete in obedience with him one day. Presa/Dogo Canarios have a bad reputation pretty much everywhere, so maybe people would change their minds about this beautiful, powerful breed if there were more well trained, competing Canarios. We will probably try everything and see what works best for Anton and his skills. To me the most important thing is that Anton enjoys what ever we decide do.

    Everyone is really happy with Anton and my mum said, one day she’ll take a dog from you guys 😉

    This puppy is a dream come true. He’s truly a joy to me. I bet i wouldn’t have gotten better puppy from anywhere else. I’ve recommend you & EuroPuppy to a few people already. At first they thought i’ve lost my mind but when they saw Anton, how beautiful & healthy he is, and i told them about my experience with you, they changed their minds. I will surely take another dog from you when the time is right!

    Once again, thank you for all you’ve done for me, Eddie. I’m blessed i got to work with you and EP and i can’t wait to work with you guys again!!!

    Best regards,

    Minna Tamminen & Anton

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    Miki - Cavapoo, EuroPuppy review from Finland
    Miki - Cavapoo, EuroPuppy review from Finland
    Miki - Cavapoo, EuroPuppy review from Finland
    Miki - Cavapoo, EuroPuppy review from Finland
    Miki - Cavapoo, EuroPuppy review from Finland
    Miki - Cavapoo, EuroPuppy review from Finland

    Dear Shane, Thank you for your birthday wishes to our Miki!! In short way saying, we could not ask for better puppy. Whole family adores him!! We could not imagine…

    Dear Shane,

    Thank you for your birthday wishes to our Miki!!

    In short way saying, we could not ask for better puppy. Whole family adores him!! We could not imagine life without him!! His face of kindness softness.. his barking (which we are working on to reduce) everything we love about him!! He loves to play with balls.. bigger better outside loves running, but at home he sleeps a bit. He travels in car often (daily) and slowly getting use to it. At this point he weighs 6,9kgs and gets fed 2times a day. Wet and dry food. We are training him also with animal trainer one to one- basic commands. He is changing color- from black to some places dark brown and some occasional white hair too! He goes regularly every 5weeks for trim

    So once again thank you for our Miki!!

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    Tessio - Neapolitan Mastiff, EuroPuppy review from Finland
    Tessio - Neapolitan Mastiff, EuroPuppy review from Finland

    Hello Eddie, Sorry take so long sending this pics. This pics are taken a few days after he arrived i take also some new pics but they are in my…

    Hello Eddie,

    Sorry take so long sending this pics.

    This pics are taken a few days after he arrived i take also some new pics but they are in my friend camera and he don’t have possibility send them yet..

    We was in dog park Thursday and we saw few “dog friends” there. He is so calm in home but he have this high energy times and then we go!!!:D

    Great dog altogether. I can now almost say he is not going to be my last Neo, just my type dog breed. Always I walk somewhere he follow me there, very same like my another dog..

    He eats now Purina ProPlan LargeDog Puppy food and we also accustom him eat some Chicken wings, Salmon and all kinds of bones on raw, he like so much.


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    Irina - Bull Terrier, EuroPuppy review from Finland
    Irina - Bull Terrier, EuroPuppy review from Finland

    Hello! I got the bullterrier puppy last summer. And would like to create the blog for her. How do I do it? She’s feeling absolutely great. Very kind and smart…


    I got the bullterrier puppy last summer. And would like to create the blog for her. How do I do it?

    She’s feeling absolutely great. Very kind and smart girl! Interested of everything that moves and doesn’t move:D Watches tv with me. Likes rabbits, and starts to “cry” when they jump away and don’t play with her. She also likes kids a lot but naturally I wont allow her to go near cause of her muscelar body can be dangerous to little children. Gets along with all the other dogs. Is very friendly to everybody. She has absolutely a great personality! And of course I’m a great mother to her:)

    I fell in love with her the first time I saw her. She’s my everything. She have been healthy and playful. Learns quick all the tricks. Demands a lot of my time and attention. We’re a great team!

    Well get back to me and I’ll start blogging with Irina.

    Here’s couple pictures of her:)

    Best regards,


    Hi Eddie!

    The lovely little lady is snooring on my white leather sofa,

    immiraculously she haven’t tried to eat it yet.

    She’s stubborn and protecting, want’s all the tention to be her’s.

    In the evening she gets cranky like a little child, biting my hands

    and being very tired, and nothing’s fine by her at that moment.

    Annoying but lovable:)

    She haven’t heard music ever, I think, and no cars, gets scared

    everytime. And her favourite thing is sit on the sidewalk, like her

    butt were glued to the ground. She also watches tv with me, and if

    I see some CSI, she gets scared and comes beside me and lays her

    head in my armpit:D

    Very intelligent and smart, for so young as she is. My heart melted

    even worse I could expected!

    A few pics of Irina included:)


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    Hugo - Cavapoo, EuroPuppy review from Finland
    Hugo - Cavapoo, EuroPuppy review from Finland
    Hugo - Cavapoo, EuroPuppy review from Finland

    Hello! Hugo is 2-years now He is funny, playful and so loved doggy. I send you a few photos and you find more about Hugos life from his instagram @hugoboy_cavapoo


    Hugo is 2-years now

    He is funny, playful and so loved doggy. I send you a few photos and you find more about Hugos life from his instagram @hugoboy_cavapoo

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    Jasmin - Chow Chow, EuroPuppy review from Finland
    Jasmin - Chow Chow, EuroPuppy review from Finland
    Jasmin - Chow Chow, EuroPuppy review from Finland
    Jasmin - Chow Chow, EuroPuppy review from Finland

    Hello! Jasmin and I wanted to wish you guys merry christmas and happy new year! Here is a few photos of her for you to see. She has grown to…

    Hello! Jasmin and I wanted to wish you guys merry christmas and happy new year! Here is a few photos of her for you to see. She has grown to be very beautiful, super friendly and loving young dog. We teached her to ”speak” on command. She loooves winter. Hope you enjoy! Thank you again for bringing this blessing into our lives. Best wishes! -Milla and Jasmin

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    Audi - Doberman Pinscher, EuroPuppy review from Finland
    Audi - Doberman Pinscher, EuroPuppy review from Finland

    Hello Eddie, I filled the survey. i can put some photos as a attachment in this email. and i also have putt photos to the facebook site 🙂 Audi is…

    Hello Eddie,

    I filled the survey. i can put some photos as a attachment in this email. and i also have putt photos to the facebook site 🙂 Audi is doing great, he loves to play with our 2 other dogs and sleeps with then all day long. our other dogs was a little frightened when audi came, but now he is one of the pact. 🙂

    regards saija and hannu