Biewer Yorkie For Sale

With Their Breeder, Waiting for You!

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Above you will find the latest Biewer Yorkie puppies which we have for sale. At times we may only have a few Biewer Yorkie available so we do hope you check back soon to find and locate your new furry best friend! Should there not be any Biewer Yorkie puppy listings shown, please complete the form accordingly to register your interest in buying an Biewer Yorkie.

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Customer Reviews

Words from our Happy Dog Owners all over the World

Hi Shane, So here are photos of the Birthday girl with her new toy. She is doing good, very cheeky, loves to eat and play, she will even play in the night if she happens to find a toy that has not been put away. She attracts a lot of attention as everyone always thinks she is a puppy, so...

Hello Ed, Yes all Is Well she eats well She is very nice and everyday a little more at home she begins to understand the French words it's a small wonder I like the sofa, !it's too much !!! until the next Photos Bye bye, Dominique, Dommartin Les Toul, France

Hello Dear Shane, When Giselle(now known as Ellie) arrived, she was really happy and started to play with us right away. She arrived safely, and huge thanks to Paul for bringing her. He was really nice to us, and brought a bag of her food, along with her pedigree. We are really happy that we chose your site. And we...

Hello Eddie, Here are news about Tifany, she has one year and weighs 2 kg. she is very intelligent and obedient. It has already taken its first dip in the pool, she swims well, she is very playful and funny Her name is Tina,we love it. here is my picture Sincerely Dominique Chort


Luxembourg , Luxembourg

Dominique Chort

Dommartin-lès-Toul, France

Bojana Kršek

Zagreb, Croatia

Dominique Chort

Dommartin Les Toul, France

About Biewer Yorkie Breed

The Biewer Yorkie is a rare breed of toy dog that has long hair hanging quite straight down the side of its body. The breed was developed in 1984 due to a so-called Piebald genetic recessive gene, originating from 2 Yorkshire Terriers. It is seldom found outside of Germany, its country of origin, where it was bred.

The breed was first imported into the USA in 2003. The breed standard is that of a Yorkshire Terrier except for the coloring. The head must have three colors: black or blue, white, and gold in good symmetry. The belly, chest, legs, and the tip of the tail are white. The tail is full. The back is blue or black with white in it. The hair is silky, not curly.

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