Coton de Tulear for Sale

Coton de Tulear puppies are strongly admired for their cute appearance as well as their playful, friendly, and adorable personality. We have Coton de Tulear puppies for sale so that more and more people can become happy owners of such a lovable pooch from Madagascar.

As it is a relatively rare dog, currently revived from extinction, its owner can feel really special! This breed has been approved and recognized by the AKC since 2012. Keep on reading to learn more about it and find out how to buy such a puppy for yourself and your loved ones!






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        Customer Reviews

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        About Coton de Tulear Breed

        The Coton de Tulear is a relative to the Bichon-type dogs and the Italian Bolognese. Coton is the French word for Cotton. Like the name suggests the most conspicuous feature of the Coton De Tulear is its coat, which is cottony or fluffy rather than silky; it has a long topcoat.