Confiable por más de 15 000 familias desde 2001
The American Bully is a medium sized dog, with a very strong, solid, muscular body. They are famed for their heavy bones, and formidable, blocky head. The standard size is 15-20 inches, and a wide ranging 50-130lbs. In recent years some breeders have been breeding with the aim of making the Bully even more muscular and heavier.
Although muscular, this is an agile and active breed. They are smooth coated. Just about any color can be expected, the only fault being merle. They are noted for their high set ears which can be natural or cropped, as well as their oval, well set apart eyes.
The American Bully is one of the gentlest and friendliest of dog breeds, and makes an excellent family dog. It is eager to please, and proves very willing to learn, and is good to train. Excellent with children, this breed is very tolerant around them when they play. This is very much a companion breed, happiest around people.
The American Bully is confident and outgoing, but not aggressive, and despite the strong appearance, has a very pleasant and warm temperament. They are a moderately active breed, and need regular walks and plays.
Any color, color pattern, or combination of colors is acceptable, with the exception of merle.
The coat is glossy and smooth, and this is a light shedding breed.
Generally a very healthy breed. Some are prone to hip dysplasia and hereditary cataracts. To help prevent the chance of hip or elbow dysplasia developing make sure your dog is on a healthy, well proportioned diet, and avoid excessive running and jumping while still a puppy as this can be hard on the developing joints. Prone to hypothyroidism, of which weight gain, decreased appetite, dry skin, hair loss and recurring skin infections are signs.
To minimize the risk of your American Bully developing any hereditary health issues, you should buy a dog from a reputable breeder.
The American Bully is active outdoors, though fairly relaxed indoors. A home with a garden is ideal, but if sufficiently exercised will do okay in an apartment. They prefer warmer climates due to their short coat.
Si está buscando American Bully en venta, ¡ha llegado al lugar perfecto! Nuestro equipo de expertos está aquí para ayudarle a elegir un cachorro que se adapte a su estilo de vida y cumpla con sus expectativas. Nuestros cachorros American Bully son cuidadosamente seleccionados y criados por criadores reputados que cumplen con nuestros altos estándares.
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