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Customer Reviews

Words from our Happy Dog Owners all over the World

Dear Eddie, As we are coming up to our 1 month anniversary with our puppy we thought we should let you know that she is doing great. Now called Francesca, 'Franky' for short, she is growing every day and we just about keeping up with her development. She is very clever and sweet and charms everyone she meets. Best regards,...

hey eddie, our pup is here!! we are naming her Mocha. :) she is soooo adorable <3 thank you for alll your help. :) regards, manidra. Kuwait

Dear Shane, We are thrilled to show you Manny at three years old. We thank you for the joy you brought us, and please convey all our thanks to the kennel's owner. Maybe next year we'll ask for your help to find Manny a pair. Kind Regards, Cristina,Sorin and Rares MIHAI

Sandor,We picked Martin up at the airport today. He is AWESOME! It didn't take long for him to settle in to our home/family, and he appears to be in good health and good spirits (although a bit on the skinny side).I'll be taking him to the vet for a check-up on Saturday and I'll let you know how that goes....

Elizabeth Brooks

Kuwait, Kuwait

Mandira & Krritika Malhotra

Kuwait, Kuwait


Ploiesti , Romania

Micah Schmidt

Hilliard, United States