Akita Inu en venta

¡Con Su Criador, Esperando Por Ti!

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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Thank you so much, without you guys we wouldn’t have such a perfect family member she is very happy and we all love her! please tell the breeder I said thank you for raising such a beautiful healthy baby

Hello Eddie,Just a quick note to say Hello! I've attached a recent photo of "Wild Thing" the Akita we purchased from you last November.We renamed him "Lennox" and he has been a real joy to everyone in the family. He transitioned with ease into his new home and has been easy to train. We attend puppy training classes once a...

Lasheika, I apologize that it has taken me so long to get back. Between smothering Rosh with love and extra long hours at work, I've barely had anytime to sit down and get an email composed. Figured I'd get it on lunch right now. WE ARE ABSOLUTELY IN LOVE WOTH ROSH. He has been a bundle of sweet joy in...

Hi Shane, Team, Hope this email finds you well. Many thanks for your message, very thoughtful of you, and thanks for the birthday wishes on behalf of Kyoto. Of course, we do remember the moment we first saw Kyoto! A moment we never forget. She's been very well, although been through a couple of changes in the past couple of...

Mei Yin Li-Zhang

Hackney, United Kingdom

Heather Mozart

Los Altos Hills, United States

Tyler Russell

Ansbach , Germany

Bela Majoros

Reading, United Kingdom

Acerca de Akita Inu Raza

The Akita is the largest of the Japanese Spitz-type breeds. It’s a powerful, solid, muscular, well-proportioned and distinctive looking dog with a flat, heavy head and strong, short muzzle.

Conoce más acerca de ésta raza