Pastor de Shetland en venta

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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Dear Shane good morning, I was really nice that Euro puppy remembered Sherlock's birthday. Sherlock is a really happy Goldie and is really comfortable and integrated with the whole family. He like to swim a lot, very playful.. Attached please find requested photos Regards Frank Axiak

I would like to inform you that Sasha is happy and healthy with us and growing so quickly. She’s an amazing companion, so sweet and playful. She is big and strong and has a very fun personality. We all love her here including her brother ice. They play together all the time and we go on walks and adventures weekly....

Dear Steve, Just to give you an update. Bella (Gamma) has settled in very well and she is such a lovely dog. The whole family enjoys having her around and she even became friends with our cat. This morning we took her to the beach. I will attach a photo of her. Regards, Annette

Steve, Wanted to let you know that we brought Bowser 3.0 home last night and he is just the happiest of guys! He is playful, loving, and curious as ever. We are extremely happy with him, and couldn't have asked for anything more. When we picked him up, he was in dire need of a bath- but we covered the...

Frankie Axiak

Qrendi , Malta

Ahmad Bernieh

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Annette Carstanjen

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Bart & Amber Scavera

Rome, Italy

Acerca de Pastor de Shetland Raza

The Shetland Sheepdog resembles to the Rough Collie. It is strong, nimble and lightly built. It is a beautiful dog, with a long, wedge-shaped head. It is a fast runner and good jumper, agile and swift. Puppies are beguiling and exhibit a desire to please from a very young age. It is an outstanding companion dog with a delightful temperament.

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