Beagle en venta

¡Con Su Criador, Esperando Por Ti!

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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

: o ) Fertrac, now Doto (it’s Swahili, it describes very well his demeanor), is doing wonderfully. He went to the Vet upon arrival and is healthy, very “travieso” and gaining weight (his throat was a little red from the tip, but he is fine now). His Mom, my daughter, is delighted, I wish I’d taken a picture when he...

Thank you for your nice email. Today we will be celebrating jazzy’s one year birthday. She has grown to become a beautiful member of our family and my daughters best friend.

Dear All, We purchased Harmony in September 2010, she was 3 months old. Here are updated pictures of her. Hope the breeder would like them. Good luck with all of your work. Monique Zabal, Cairo, Egypt

Dear Eddie & Tibor,I just want to inform you that Harmony arrived safe, and we have her now atour home.Thank you for all of your efforts, it was a pleasure working with you.Cheers,MoniqueHere is a pic till I get u another :) and I will write a review..

Roman Alvarez Varea

Mexico City, Mexico

Sahem Nasser

Riyadh , Saudi Arabia

Monique Zabal

Cairo, Egypt

Monique Zabal

Cairo, Egypt

Acerca de Beagle Raza

The Beagle has a charming, upbeat personality, admirable courage and stamina. It makes an excellent family pet, it is great with children and eager to romp and play. Beagles are scent hounds, developed primarily for tracking hare, rabbit, and other game.

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