Cocker Spaniel Inglés en venta

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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Hi Eddie! Its been a while! Hope all is well with you... here is a little update on how maya is doing and i have attached pictures of her as well to see how much shes grown: Sorry for the delay in photos but as you can see Maya has turned out to be so beautiful! She is doing extremely...

Hi Lasheika! We LOVE both Ewelin and Einstein. I posted some pics in the past on the FB page. They are adorable. Ewelin is a sweet little girl, very playful. Einstein is very smart, sweet and always happy. Here are a few pics!

I am sorry to become late. I send the photograph which grew up on the next time. regards sumie

Thank you! Ella is the sweetest girl!!!

Fatima & Mazen Al Jishi

Manama, Bahrain

Marina Fabiano

Willaimsville , United States

Sumie Tamori

Osaka, Japan

Dmitry Khomikh

San Francisco, United States

Acerca de Cocker Spaniel Inglés Raza

The English Cocker Spaniel is an alert, compactly built, medium-sized dog. The English Cocker is the smallest in the gundog group. It hunts well in difficult terrain. These days, the English Cocker is more often a companion dog due to its good-natured disposition.

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