Fox Terrier en venta

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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Hi Lasheikha, Gnocchi is the most good natured, happy, loving, smart and playful dog. She is fantastic with kids and other dogs, a great companion to me (her mom), and very social with people in general. She is an absolute joy to have as a part of our family. We couldn’t be happier. Here are a few recent photos

Mario,Thanks so much!! Just got home from picking her up!!She's more beautiful than her pics! :)As soon as she walked out of her cage, she went straight for the toys and picked the one she wanted and hasn't put it down yet!Thank you very much!Kili

Hi Eddie, Here is a pic of charlie with big sissy Addison. He has adjusted so well in his new home. Thanks so much for all your help. More pics to come! Jody Brashar

Hello Eddie!Hope everything is great with you,My and my family are so happy with Leo (Jack), he is healthy, happy and amazing!This is a picture I would love to share in your gallery or anywhere you think will help and spread the love :)Thanks for the best dog ever!Fawaz and Family

Hind Shuaib

Surra, Kuwait

Kili Wyszynski

Sherman Oaks, United States

Jason & Jody Brashar

Roverado In Piano, Italy

Fawaz Al-Wazzan

Kuwait, Kuwait

Acerca de Fox Terrier Raza

Fox Terriers are very elegant, smart and stylish little dogs. This breed has a flat, tapering, narrow skull, and ears that fold forward making “V” shaped flaps. It is bold and energetic. It is an affectionate, cheerful and brave little dog; which makes an excellent family pet.

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