Puli en venta

¡Con Su Criador, Esperando Por Ti!

Elige entre 12 Puli disponibles

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Lo sentimos, por el momento tenemos disponibles Puli a la venta

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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Mario,US Customs did approve the import with the copies and all went well. The puppy is just amazing. I just wanted to thank you for everything, and let you know how happy we are with the pup. We are thrilled to death to have him and he seems to be adapting very well. He loves to play with our two...

Good evening Eddie This is a photo of Snowflake. She is doing very well and she is quite intelligent and easy to train. I need to know what steps I need to register her with AKC. Thanks, Gail C. VA, USA

Eddie, Here are pictures of Chibes. Today is first year since we received this Puli. He is more Hungarian than American. Would like another one - a female. Thanks. David, Phoenix, AZ

Happy New Year!!! Here are some recent pictures of Goulash. He is such a good Dog and a lot of fun to work with. Everybody likes him that he meets and he does really well here at the Hotel for 3 weeks. We are looking forward to returning to my house middle of this month but having my buddy Goulash...

Abigail Roskom

Green Bay, United States

Alexander & Gail Carlisle

Alexandria, United States

David Curry

Phoenix, United States

Matt Davis

Cumberland , United States

Acerca de Puli Raza

The Puli is an ancient breed of Hungarian sheep dog. It has been used as herding and droving dog for centuries, prized for its light, agile movement. The Puli is a national treasure to the Hungarians. It is a medium-sized, sturdy dog with a unique, corded coat. A full adult coat can reach to the ground.

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