Vertraut von über 15.000 Familien seit 2001
Mit ihrem Züchter, warten auf dich!
Leider haben wir im Moment keine Englischer Mastiff Welpen zum Verkauf verfügbar. Bitte schauen Sie bald wieder vorbei für neue, schöne Englischer Mastiff Welpen. Aber wir können Ihnen trotzdem helfen, Ihren Traumhund zu finden. Bitte füllen Sie das untenstehende Formular aus, und Sie werden als Erster erfahren, sobald neue Englischer Mastiff Würfe verfügbar sind.
Hi Eddie,
Just wanted to thank you for your more than professional service. Lil’Kim arrived late last night and is still a bit unsure what happened to her. But she will certainly settle in to be an important part of the family.
Thanks a lot.
Kuwait City, Kuwait
Mohammed A. M. Al Sabah
Hope this mail find well.
I am really sorry for being silent for a long time. It’s been reasons beyond my control, otherwise many thanks for all your correspondences. I have managed to send some pictures of my family members from EURO PUPPY. I am always short of words but you need to know that you are great peopleI would like to replicate your way of doing work into my kennels. I am very proud of my four dogsfrom you and as you can the pictures my children also are very happy and are in love with these dogs. Many thanks to euro puppy and we always be your reference in Africaso if any one wants to hear from me I am in Uganda owning the best dogs and got them from EURO PUPPY.
Please enjoy the pictures.
Alex Nkwanga
Greetings to you,sorry for delayed pics.I m sure you will be happy on seeing them.They will be soon completing a month now.
Hello Eddie, How are you?
It’s been ages since we had exchanged greetings anyways better late than sorry. how’s everything,your Website is more impressive now and with all the Promotions and advertisements around you must be busy making more families Happy.
Your enthusiasm and patient service has given me the best of the breeds and I cherish being with my mates,Buddy and Beauty. They will be completing One Year very soon and would like to share their Pics as an appreciation to you.
I thank you for everything. God bless you.
Supratik Enoch Rajan
Hello Eddie,
We got the puppy last night, everything went well. This morning he was looking around the house and the kids are loving it. Tomorrow he goes to vet to get checked.
Regards and many thanks
Managua, Nicaragua
Here is Oso, he turned 1 year old last week. He won best of breed, first in group in nationals and third in internationals.He also won third Best in Show in the junior division. He is well on his way to be a champion, I am going to try to make the economic sacrifices to see it through.
Nicaragua, Dec, 2009.
Ramiro Ortiz Gurdian
The English Mastiff is one of the heaviest breeds; a male Mastiff can exceed 200 pounds. The Mastiff is very massive, powerful and muscular. It is a large, symmetrical dog with a well-knit frame. It gives the impression of grandeur and dignity.