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Hello Eddie, As I promised, here are pictures of Max on arrival and in the morning. Thefamily is very happy, specially my youngest son, who is the owner. Thisweekend I will take more pictures for the breeder with the rest of dogs. Max feels right at home, he slept well and is already bossing around myother dogs. We are making an appointment with the Vet today. I will keep you posted to let the breeder know all is well. Thanks […]
Hello Eddie, We got the puppy last night, everything went well. This morning he was looking around the house and the kids are loving it. Tomorrow he goes to vet to get checked. Regards and many thanksRamiro,Managua, Nicaragua Eddie, Here is Oso, he turned 1 year old last week. He won best of breed, first in group in nationals and third in internationals.He also won third Best in Show in the junior division. He is well on his way to […]
Hello Eddie, Here is max, in his first competition and with only two weeks of training he won best puppy in the Terrier & Schnauzer division and received 3rd place in Best Puppy in Show.Here he is with his trainer. He received excellent ratings from a specialized international judge. Max is more than a pet in the house. he sleeps in our room in his bed and is always alert. he is very playful with our mastiffs. I have to […]
Hello Eddie, Today was our dogs second dog show and it went well. Max, the MiniatureSchnauzer won 2nd place in the puppy division. Oso, the male English Mastiff, won Best of Breed, Best in Group, Best inJunior and 4th in Show. Eddie I need to find an English Mastiff, female, like Oso with Show quality,can you please find out with the breeder of him a female. Regards,Ramiro Ortiz
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