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    Trixie - Chihuahua, EuroPuppy review from Irland
    Trixie - Chihuahua, EuroPuppy review from Irland
    Trixie - Chihuahua, EuroPuppy review from Irland

    Hi Shane, I hope you are all well at Europuppy. We are sending some pictures of Trixie, as we call her now. We also included a picture of another chihuahua…

    Hi Shane, I hope you are all well at Europuppy. We are sending some pictures of Trixie, as we call her now. We also included a picture of another chihuahua we got from Europuppy a year or so after we got Trixie. Her name is Cherie. My wife wrote a little piece: Trixybelle is the sweetest girl in the whole wide world. She loves cuddles and kisses. She is also brave and confident. She does everything on her terms- a true princess!! She has made us all so happy and brings us so much joy every day. We are very happy with the two dogs.

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    Puskas - Vizsla, EuroPuppy review from Irland
    Puskas - Vizsla, EuroPuppy review from Irland
    Puskas - Vizsla, EuroPuppy review from Irland

    Hello Steve Just to update you on Tuco as you can see very healthy and happy. I have three and hoping to breed in spring so really wouldn’t be practical…

    Hello Steve Just to update you on Tuco as you can see very healthy and happy. I have three and hoping to breed in spring so really wouldn’t be practical at this present time.Shooting season approaching and its a busy time for us.Also I’m hoping you might locate me a wire haired vizsla. Kind regards Deborah