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    Ellie - Biewer Terrier, EuroPuppy review from Kroatien
    Ellie - Biewer Terrier, EuroPuppy review from Kroatien

    Hello Dear Shane, When Giselle(now known as Ellie) arrived, she was really happy and started to play with us right away. She arrived safely, and huge thanks to Paul for…

    Hello Dear Shane, When Giselle(now known as Ellie) arrived, she was really happy and started to play with us right away. She arrived safely, and huge thanks to Paul for bringing her. He was really nice to us, and brought a bag of her food, along with her pedigree. We are really happy that we chose your site. And we look foward to you in the future. Great praise to the whole team. Sincerely, Bojana Kršek

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    Po - Cavapoo, EuroPuppy review from Kroatien

    Dear Shane, Please find the latest picture of beautiful, joyful, playful and very energetic Po. He is a healthy and very happy dog. We love him a lot. Kind regards,…

    Dear Shane,

    Please find the latest picture of beautiful, joyful, playful and very energetic Po.

    He is a healthy and very happy dog. We love him a lot.

    Kind regards,


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    Ilda - Coton de Tulear, EuroPuppy review from Kroatien
    Ilda - Coton de Tulear, EuroPuppy review from Kroatien

    Dear Eddie, Please be so kind to forward those Ilda photos to their previous owners, to ensure them that she is in good environment now. We are very satisfied with…

    Dear Eddie,

    Please be so kind to forward those Ilda photos to their previous owners, to ensure them that she is in good environment now.

    We are very satisfied with your services and your professionalism, and we will recommend your site to any person interested to obtain a puppy in Croatia.

    Please be so kind to send us the International Pedigree at your earliest convenience. The mail address is the same as the delivery address previously sent to you.

    Best regards,

    Šarlota and Neven