Sussex Spaniel kaufen
Mit ihrem Züchter, der auf Sie wartet!
Leider haben wir im Moment keine Sussex Spaniel-Welpen zum Verkauf. Bitte schauen Sie bald wieder vorbei, um neue, wunderschöne Sussex Spaniel zu finden. Wir können Ihnen jedoch trotzdem helfen, Ihren Traum-Sussex Spaniel zu finden. Bitte füllen Sie das unten stehende Formular aus, und Sie werden als Erster informiert, sobald neue Würfe von Sussex Spaniel verfügbar sind.
Wollen Sie Ihren perfekten Welpen kriegen? Sie sollen uns nur sagen Ihre Präferenzen und wir erledigen Ihnen alles.
Puppy Finder service, Dog finder service, Champion bloodline puppies for sale
Did you know that we have homed a huge variety of breeds, including very rare ones, to over five thousand homes worldwide already, with trust and reliability. No wonder we are the number 1 online dog adoption company and by far the most dependable choice to locate the puppy of your dreams.
We can help you discover the puppy you have always been looking for, just by filling out your individual information and preferences in this form. However if you are just looking for that average run of the mill puppy you can stop reading now, its not what we do! We assist people interested only in the most exceptional pure bred or rare puppies, that can be very hard to locate. Second best is not what you will get from us! We only source out the best of the best that our Central European location offers.
Please be patient while we seek out the perfect puppy for you, we probably won’t provide pictures in our first reply to you, as we will be busy contacting the vast network of breeders we work directly with. To find the very best, it takes a little time! So sit back and let us do the work! Finding that right puppy for you, that will be with you for many years to come, is a careful and diligent process which can be time-consuming and lengthy. But it is worth it when you will have the puppy you have always wanted by your side.
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Über Sussex Spaniel
The Sussex Spaniel is an excellent hunting companion. This is a strong, massive dog. This dog has a golden-liver colored coat that is flat or slightly wavy without being curled. The golden-liver color of its coat, especially at sunset, blends with the color of the trees and game, so hunters using Sussex Spaniels need to be very careful not to shoot their dog accidentally. This may be why the breed is not widespread.