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Wörter unserer fröhlichen Hundebesitzern überall auf der Welt

Hallo Eddie, I received the paper today, thanks so much. I am sorry for the late replied, been hectic, work and guests. Attach is Jethro (Kosmo) with my husband and Kosmo with Ella and I. Look how big he is. When the guests were here, we put both of them to DKC (Boarding), not seeing him for a week, I...

Mario,Just wanted to drop a note letting you know we are home with Brutus. He was very tired on the way home & slept the 3 hours it took us to get back from Boston (Friday traffic). We had no problems with Customs & everything went smoothly. I have to tell you he is absolutely beautiful!!!!! When we got to...

Hi Sandor,I wanted to share some new pictures of Dollie with you and the breeder. These were taken within the last week.She is such a doll! Very sweet and so willing to please! We are still in the ear wrapping process, but it shouldn't take much longer. When it's complete, I'll send more pictures!Thanks again so much for all your...

Hi Monika,Here is a picture of Angelus and his buddy Illyria. The first day he arrived Illyria didn't want anything to do with him. She would growl and bark at him constantly. Starting the very next day they were inseparable. They both sleep with us in our bed. Angelus cuddles up to my neck and Illyria cuddles up to my...

Juliantini Voss

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Rose M. Boisvert

Weare, United States

Rachel Gehring

Elk, United States

Barbara Gonzalez

Philadelphia, United States

Über Deutsche Dogge

The Great Dane is a giant dog that combines nobility with robustness and power with elegance. It is regal in appearance, having dignity, strength and elegance. This breed is the tallest of dog breeds with its great size and well-formed muscled body. The Great Dane is known as the friendly giant, it should show no unprovoked aggression.

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