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    Leider haben wir im Moment keine Mops Welpen zum Verkauf verfügbar. Bitte schauen Sie bald wieder vorbei für neue, schöne Mops Welpen. Aber wir können Ihnen trotzdem helfen, Ihren Traumhund zu finden. Bitte füllen Sie das untenstehende Formular aus, und Sie werden als Erster erfahren, sobald neue Mops Würfe verfügbar sind.

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      Höhepunkte der Rasse

      Zusätzliche Informationen

      Check out our fantastic Pug puppies for sale, from the finest breeders, and you can’t help but fall in love. But it’s not just the cuteness of this fun breed that makes it such a popular choice. Instead, it’s the way the Pug has one of the most playful, loving and happy characters you’ll ever see! But you have to admit, their tiny size, their wriggly nature, and their sad little faces are hard to resist.

      One thing every Pug puppy has in common is its cuddly, warm nature. These are the kinds of pups who simply can’t spend enough time snuggled-up on pillows, cuddling their owner’s laps and chilling out. Not that the Pug is an inactive breed; in fact it is famous for their 5 minutes a day ‘zoomies’, where they will have a sudden burst of energy, and zoom around your house or garden.

      This is very much a people loving breed, that are happiest when with you, and want to be snuggled up right by your side. Pugs thrive in homes where they will receive lots of love and attention with very little time alone. Pugs are often an easy-going dog that want to please their owners above all else.

      The Pug is in fact famous for loving everybody! They want to say hello to everyone they meet, and like to have lots of attention, so prepare to have lots of visitors to your home falling in love with your Pug.

      While they may be known for their stubborn streak, and be lazy to listen to listen and to get active sometimes, with determined training, and plenty of treats, the Pug’s eager to please nature does come through, and they will listen and learn from you.

      Find your perfect Pug puppy for sale and you’ll be welcoming an incredibly fun, silly, cheeky and playful companion into your home. These are the kinds of dogs who love to be at the very centre of ever home activity too. Never ever expect to be bored again with a Pug. In fact your home will be filled with laughter.

      As always, it’s important to only consider Pug puppies for sale from reputable breeders, that you can trust have raised them well. This is a breed that needs to be carefully bred, and cared for, to ensure they are healthy and get the best start. Please don’t take chances on a random breeder with a decision so important. Find your ideal Pug from Euro Puppy, we have been working with the best Pug breeders for many years so you can enjoy total peace of mind that you will get the perfect puppy.

      If you want a dog that’s small in size yet is packing with love, and you simply can’t get enough of those big eyes, and that squishy face, then the Pug is the breed for you.

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        Worte von unseren glücklichen Mops Besitzern auf der ganzen Welt

        Über die Mops Rasse

        The Pug is “a lot of dog in a small space”. It is a stubby and muscular dog with a wide chest, straight, very strong front legs and well-muscled hind legs. It received its name Pug from the Latin word that means “clenched fist”.