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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Hello Eddie, Just wanted to let you know, Hachi arrived this morning and he looks confident and full of spirit. For now he only responds to treats, but I must say he's extremely smart. I will be in contact with you when I visit the vet. Regards, Bader

Dear Sandor, Dear Mario,Our puppy has arrived safe and sound today morning. Seemed a bit frightened and quiet but he is adjusting now. I had cleaned his crate out and then put a fresh towel in it for him to sleep in the night. He has had his breakfast already before I left for work and will be having lunch...

Dear Gabor Thank you very much. Our puppy Charlie is settling in very well at home. The veterinary checks went well 👍 and he just received another vaccination. I'm keeping his vaccination up to date. Please see attached photos. Kind regards Kiran

We renamed Sergent Maximus when we got him. He is doing great he’s a healthy 165 pounds and loves his family. He is honestly the best dog we have ever had. Please let the breader know.

Bader Al-sanea

Kuwait, Kuwait

Sudeshna J. Daga

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Rhea Capaul

Maur , Switzerland

Megan Clark

New York, United States