Confiable por más de 15 000 familias desde 2001
¡Con Su Criador, Esperando Por Ti!
Lamentablemente, no tenemos ningún Pomerano cachorro disponible para la venta en este momento. Por favor, verifique de nuevo pronto para nuevos y hermosos Pomerano cachorros. Pero aún podemos ayudarle a encontrar el perro de sus sueños. Por favor, complete el formulario a continuación y será el primero en saber tan pronto como haya nuevas camadas de Pomerano disponibles.
Hello to you all,
Steve, I just wanted to share with you our Beautiful Bella.. She just turned 1 years old this last week.
We love her so much. She has filled our life with laughter. Thank you so much for her.
She went to the states this summer with me and travelled perfectly. If we can arrange to have a larger home here in Abu Dhabi we will certainly be looking for another one hopefully from the same parents.
Bella has been around all kinds of animals and other dogs and cats, she adapts very well and is very polite. She is very very smart and learns very quickly
I will try to send a video of her in the future. Please enjoy these special pictures and please pass them on to her breeder.
Many Blessings to you both and to your company
Laurie Nelson
Laurie Ann Nelson
Abu DhabiEmiratos Árabes Unidos
Hey buddy, its Terry and Smirna Devine from Bosnia. We just wanted to let you know that Frank,(Prince now), that we bought from you, is now a proud father of pups just as of 10 hours ago.
Terry D
Smirna Pekaric Devine
Gabriela Moreno Lara Barragán
Panama CityPanamá
Hello Eddie,
Its really late / early over here so… a quick note to let you know
he’s turned up and is all ok and very playful. We send you a proper mail
tomorrow after we get back from the vets.
He is very happy and full of energy, he is already steeling small toys from Bella and stacking them in his own little pile, he is a very smart little guy. We do not see any issue with him and Bella. She is already looking after him.
Vanessa thinks he is the loveliest little boy, so it seem its all worked out well.
A few snap shots of the little guy meeting is new big sister.
Nigel Wright
Vanessa Barwick & Nigel Wright
The Pomeranian is a Spitz type breed. It has been determined by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale to be part of the German Spitz breed. The German Sptiz breed comes in five sizes and the Pomeranian is the smallest of all, also called as Dwarf Spitz.