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Biewer Yorkie
3 años
Fecha de Nacimiento
Jul 31, 2020

Un compromiso de por vida

Cada uno de nuestros perros viene con nuestra Garantía de Sanidad de por vida. Si su perro llega a tener una enfermedad mortar congénita o genética o alteración en la calidad de vida estará protegido. Incluso cubrimos a su perro contra problemas como luxación de rótulas graves y displasia de cadera y codo severa. Garantizado para toda la vida de su perro! Sin embargo no nos gustaría que se tuvieran que enfrentar con la tragedia de tener que utilizar esta garantía por lo tanto nos aseguramos de ofrecer los mejores cachorros de líneas de sangre genéticamente saludables!

Leer más sobre nuestra garantía

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Hello Dear Shane, When Giselle(now known as Ellie) arrived, she was really happy and started to play with us right away. She arrived safely, and huge thanks to Paul for bringing her. He was really nice to us, and brought a bag of her food, along with her pedigree. We are really happy that we chose your site. And we look foward to you in the future. Great praise to the whole team. Sincerely, Bojana Kršek

Hello Ed, Yes all Is Well she eats well She is very nice and everyday a little more at home she begins to understand the French words it’s a small wonder I like the sofa, !it’s too much !!! until the next Photos Bye bye, Dominique, Dommartin Les Toul, France

Hello Eddie, Here are news about Tifany, she has one year and weighs 2 kg. she is very intelligent and obedient. It has already taken its first dip in the pool, she swims well, she is very playful and funny Her name is Tina,we love it. here is my picture Sincerely Dominique Chort

Chibes was having fun with snow up at his ranch over this Thanksgiving weekend. He is a great healthy pup. Am glad to have him with us. Thank you! David

Bojana Kršek

Zagreb, Croatia

Dominique Chort

Dommartin-lès-Toul, France

Dominique Chort

Dommartin Les Toul, France

David Curry

Phoenix, United States

Puntos destacados de la raza

Expectativa de Vida
12-15 años
Grado de Aprendizaje
Tamaño de la Camada
2 to 5
Perros: 5-7 libras
Hembras: 4-6 libras
Perros: 6-9 pulgadas
Hembras: 4-7 pulgadas
País de Origen
AKC Toy Dogs
Otros Nombres
Biewer Yorkshire Terrier